all for the freedom to choose. I want you to be able to purchase the books you
love from a vendor of your choice. Amazon has the right not to stock Hachette’s
titles in the same way that other bookstores, such as Barnes & Noble have
the right not to stock titles published through Amazon’s publishing arm, Create
Space. But as an author, who is signed to independent publishers I don’t have the luxury of choice. I know that Amazon has massive
flaws, but it is the best and in the case of my self-published short story
collection, SMOKE ‘EM IF YOU GOT ‘EM, the only viable platform I have.
if people were to keep boycotting Amazon for the year or so it would take to make
them financially sit up and take notice then things might start to change. It could
even herald the arrival of new companies to provide both Amazon and the traditional
publishers with some fresh competition, although somehow I doubt it. One thing I
know for sure is that any prolonged embargo will mean the end for a lot of small
presses and indie authors who depend on Amazon to get their words out into the
world. If you stop buying your books from Amazon, for thousands of writers that
means you stop buying their books period.
have a day job. If you don’t buy my books I can still pay my mortgage and feed
my family. That’s not the case for every independent author and publisher. It’s
all about the money for them too.