Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Gospel According To OEP

From the dark, weed smoke-entombed van came an English accented voice "Come, we have such sights to show you." – Brian Panowich.

As summer starts to fade like the beach town radio station on your long drive home. it's time for me to congratulate myself on avoiding the clutches of the reaper for another year. And it’s also time to get back in the saddle and tell you a little bit about my upcoming western novella, GOSPEL OF THE BULLET.  Well, actually it’s Ron Earl Phillips, head honcho of One Eye Press who is doing the telling, but I’m sure you’re good with that.

ONE EYE PRESS is excited as we hit the 6 week window to the release of our first western novella, GOSPEL OF THE BULLET by Chris Leek.
As a tease, please enjoy the cover reveal with art by C D REGAN. Chuck, as we know him, is a talented creator – designer, artist and writer – the whole enchilada. You can see some of his outstanding work in and on the many excellent ZELMER PULP collections.

Release Date: September 30, 2014
Price: $7.95 print $3.50 digital

Mitchel McCann may have lost a war, but he never lost his belief. The preacher kept his faith throughout all the blood and the dying; trading his pulpit for a saddle and delivering his sermons with a brace of Walker Colts. McCann still believes in God, but he is no longer sure that God believes in him. Now fate has given him a chance at redemption; the opportunity to save a life instead of taking one.

Justice Simpson was only seven years old when she lost father. She has been losing steadily ever since. The Yankee ball that did for Dan Simpson also killed his wife, Rosalee, although it took another nine years to do it. Alone and destitute on the unforgiving streets of Saint Joseph, Missouri, Justice knows that the sooner or later the bullet will find her too.

In the winter of 1872 the war is long over, but on the Kansas—Missouri border old wounds are slow to heal and they leave ugly scars. The past is something that neither the preacher nor the girl can escape.

All I can add to that are my thanks, firstly to Ron for making this happen and also to my ZP brother, Chuck for making it look drop dead gorgeous. As birthday’s go, this one is shaping up to be pretty good.